उबड टूर
(पूरा दिन)
पुरा पेनातरन सशिहो - "मून ऑफ पेजेंग" केतली ड्रम
पुरा गुनुंग कवी- 11वीं सदी का मंदिर परिसर
तीर्थ एम्पुली- पवित्र स्नान कुंड
Tegalalang- चावल की छतें और सुंदर दृश्य
उबुद टाउन सेंटर- बाली का सांस्कृतिक केंद्र
बंदर वन - मकाक बंदर अभयारण्य
पुरा गोवा गजहो- 11वीं सदी का मंदिर

Pura Penataran Sasih is the home of "The Moon of Pejeng" the largest single-cast bronze kettle drum in the world, and the largest known relic from Southeast Asia's Bronze Age period. It is considered highly sacred by the Balinese people and is thought to be a relic of early rice cultivation rituals. The Moon of Pejeng drum was made around 300 B.C., more than two thousand years ago. There are also handcrafts, painting galleries and traditional food stalls dotted around the temple complex.

Pura Penataran Sasih

Shaky bamboo bridge that the brave of heart love to try

Pura Penataran Sasih is the home of "The Moon of Pejeng" the largest single-cast bronze kettle drum in the world, and the largest known relic from Southeast Asia's Bronze Age period. It is considered highly sacred by the Balinese people and is thought to be a relic of early rice cultivation rituals. The Moon of Pejeng drum was made around 300 B.C., more than two thousand years ago. There are also handcrafts, painting galleries and traditional food stalls dotted around the temple complex.